Pool Filter Cleaning

Pool Filter Cleaning Service

SoCal Pool Guys believes that Pool filter cleans should be done whenever your filter is dirty. We find the normal pools in the Redlands and Inland Empire areas require about 3 or 4 filter cleans a year. However, there are conditions that may require additional filter cleans. Things like, was algae present, high winds and active pools typically will require more frequent filter cleans.

This is one of the best things you can do for your pool. It takes three things to keep a pool looking great, balanced chemicals, good circulation and filtration. If you practice these three things consistently your pool will look amazing, be safe and be crystal clear.

If a filter cleaning isn’t performed properly, the filter can leak debris back or diatomaceous earth back into the pool. This would also be a reason that the filter isn’t filtering correctly. SoCal Pool Guys closely examines the cartridges or grids looking for tears or cracks, and we take a few extra minutes to examine the filter’s manifold.

pool filter

A dirty filter could have a negative impact on your pool sweep. Improper circulation from a dirty filter may also influence your pool gear in a negative way. With a SoCal Pool Guys technician on duty, you will be informed of issues, potential difficulties, better equipment alternatives, and maintenance information that will assist you to save money and increase the life span of your filter.

The pool filter plays a critical role that cannot be understated. It removes pollutants and contaminants from the pool water. Our SoCal Pool Guys technicians take before filter clean and after filter clean pictures of every filter that they clean. Its like night and day!

We are conveniently located in Redlands, CA and provide pool service to the surrounding areas.

For Fast & Reliable Pool Service

Call: 888-448-7665

How does the pool filter work?

Pool water is pulled to the pump then circulated from the pump into the filter where very small debris particles (pollutants and contaminants) are captured (filtered), and then the water travels through the heater and back into the pool.

There are three types of filters, sand, cartridge, and diatomaceous earth. Sand filters are the pretty common place in commercial pool applications due to their ease of cleaning and low overall maintenance. If you are pool owner with a sand filter that doesn’t seem to filter anymore, no worries, our SoCal Pool Guys technicians know how to remove the old sand, change the laterals, add the gravel and sand. We service a lot of commercial pools so we have had lots of practice.

Cartridge filters and diatomaceous earth filters are the most popular filters for residential applications here in Southern California. Pool water is forced through some type of sediment trap thereby removing debris particles. The cartridge filter passes water through a fibrous element, and a diatomaceous earth filter passes water through a thin layer of diatomaceous earth that is coated onto a grid.

Located somewhere (usually on the very top) on your pools filter is the pressure gauge. This gauge reads the ambient back pressure or resistance in your filter system to water flow. It is recommended that you have a properly functioning filter gauge to help display how dirty the filter is. At SoCal Pool Guys we baseline the filter, if the gauge reads 10 when the filter is clean the filter is probably ready for a filter clean at about a reading of 20. This is just a rule of thumb but not always an absolute. SoCal Pool Guys clean thousands of pool filters each year, we would love to clean yours!